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Nokes v. Doncaster Amalgamated Collieries (1940) AC 1014

Cases referred

Farrow v. Wilson –

Brace v. Calder.

British Waggon Co. and Parkgate Waggon Co. v. Lea

Tolhurst v. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers


VISCOUNT SIMON L.C. – My Lords, the question to be decided in this appeal can be thus stated. When the Court makes an order under s. 154 of the Companies Act, 1929, transferring all the property and liabilities of the transferor company to the transferee company, is the result that a contract of service previously existing between an individual and the transferor company automatically becomes a contract between the individual and the transferee company?

The appellant is a coalminer, and between January, 1937, and June 4, 1937, there existed between him and the Hickleton Main Colliery Company, Ld., a contract under which he worked at the colliery and received wages from that company. On June 4, 1937, an order was made by the Chancery Division of His Majesty’s High Court of Justice under s. 154, which transferred to the respondent company all the property, rights, powers, liabilities and duties of a number of colliery companies, including the Hickleton Main Colliery Company, and which provided that these transferor companies should be dissolved without winding up.

The appellant continued to work at the Hickleton Main Colliery until October 7, 1937, and received wages from the respondents for his labour, but he throughout believed himself to be working under his contract with the Hickleton Main Colliery Company, Ld., which contract had never been terminated by notice. The company, however, as the result of the order made by the Chancery Division, had ceased to exist. On October 7, 1937, the appellant absented himself from work, in circumstances which would have made him liable under s. 4 of the Employers and Workmen Act, 1875, if he could be regarded as under a contract of service with the respondents. This he denied, and hence, on a case stated by the justices of Doncaster, the general question arises which I have defined above and which the House has now to determine.

Counsel for the appellant argued that a contractual right to personal service was a personal right of the employer and was incapable of being transferred by him to anyone else, and that a duty to serve a specific master could not be part of the property or rights of that master capable of becoming, by transfer, a duty to serve someone else. It is, of course, indisputable that (apart from statutory provision to the contrary) the benefit of a contract entered into by A to render personal service to X cannot be transferred by X to Y without A’s consent, which is the same thing as saying that, in order to produce the desired result, the old contract between A and X would have to be terminated by notice or by mutual consent and a new contract of service entered into by agreement between A and Y. The rule is so strict that if the contract is between individuals on both sides and X dies, the contract of service is immediately dissolved – Farrow v. Wilson – for A never promised to serve X’s personal representative and X could only act as employer when alive. Where a firm consisting of four partners engaged the plaintiff as manager for a term of two years, the retirement of two partners from the firm within that period operated as a wrongful dismissal of the plaintiff: Brace v. Calder. If A’s contract is to serve a limited company, X & Co., and X & Co. goes into liquidation, the winding-up order operates as a notice of discharge to the servants of the company: Chapman’s case.

The rules of law restricting the assignability of contracts are, however, by no means limited to contracts of personal service. In the case of contracts for the sale of goods, for example (unless the contract expressly or by implication covers the purchaser and his assigns), the seller is entitled to rely on the credit of the purchaser and to refuse to recognize any substitute. Similarly, the purchaser is entitled to rely upon the seller and to hold him responsible for due performance. I may add that a possible confusion may arise from the use of the word “assignability” in discussing some of the cases usually cited on this subject. Thus, in British Waggon Co. and Parkgate Waggon Co. v. Lea the real point of the decision was that the contract which the Parkgate company had made with Lea for the repair of certain wagons did not call for the repairs being necessarily effected by the Parkgate company itself, but could be adequately performed by the Parkgate Company arranging with the British Waggon company that the latter should execute the repairs. Such a result does not depend on assignment of contract at all. It depends on the view that the contract of repair was duly discharged by the Parkgate company by getting the repairs satisfactorily effected by a third party. In other words, the contract bound the Parkgate company to produce a result, not necessarily by its own efforts, but, if it preferred, by vicarious performance through a sub-contractor or otherwise.

A quite different situation, as it seems to me, is illustrated by the well known case of Tolhurst v. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers and, with all respect to an observation made by Lord Lindley at the end of his judgment in Tolhurst case, I doubt whether the British Waggon Company case was really an authority very much in point. In Tolhurst case the majority of this House took the view that the contract then under discussion was “assignable,” because the contract ought to be read and construed as one between the named parties and their respective assigns, although assigns were not in fact mentioned in the document. By so construing the agreement the validity of the transfer of the benefit of the contract from the original company to the new company to which it assigned it became unchallengeable, and Lord Macnaghten insists, at the beginning of his judgment, that once the true interpretation of the contract was settled there was no further legal point in the case at all. Tolhurst’s case, therefore, was a case in which the terms of the contract provided for its assignment; the British Waggon Company case does not turn on assignment, but illustrates the circumstances in which the original contracting party may perform the contract by getting somebody else to do the work in satisfactory fashion.

 It will be readily conceded that the result contended for by the respondents in this case would be at complete variance with a fundamental principle of our common law – the principle, namely, that a free citizen, in the exercise of his freedom, is entitled to choose the employer whom he promises to serve, so that the right to his services cannot be transferred from one employer to another without his assent. The whole question, however, is whether s. 154 of the Companies Act, 1929, provides a statutory exception to that principle.

In favour of the view that it does, it is pointed out that the only transfers which the section can authorize are transfers of the undertaking of one company to another, and that if the employer is a company, the servant can have no direct contact with the artificial entity but of necessity deals with and acts under the orders of the company’s agents. Moreover, the change involved in a wage earner serving the new company in place of the old is, in normal cases, no greater than the change he would experience when the company which he is serving throughout changes its directors, its shareholders, its managers, its scope of operations, and its name, all of which it may do without losing its identity. No doubt this is true in many cases, though I am far from saying that the transformation of a small private or family company, in which the wage-earner maintains a personal relation with the principal shareholders who act as managers and directors, into a much larger concern where personal contacts disappear, is in all cases a matter of indifference to the employees. But the point made is that such a transformation can take place without necessarily changing the identity of the company.

It is further argued on behalf of the respondents that s. 154 constitutes a new and simpler machinery for the transfer of the undertaking of an old company to a new company, which thus acquires the undertaking without the necessity of the transferor company going into liquidation. As the Master of the Rolls observed in his judgment, the word “transfer” is not a word of art and the language of s. 154 is in very wide terms. Moreover, s. 154 contemplates, or at any rate provides for, the dissolution of the transferor company when the transfer of its undertaking has been made, and there appears to be no means of calling back to life the company so dissolved, for s. 294 occurs in Part V. of the Companies Act dealing with winding up, whereas s. 154 is found in Part IV.

In these circumstances, and with powerful arguments presented on either side, the House is left with the difficult task of putting the proper construction on s. 154, so far as its application to current contracts of service is concerned. I give full weight to the unanimity of view expressed in the Courts below by judges some of whom speak with special authority on this sort of subject-matter, but after much reflection, and after weighing the reasoning in those judgments and the arguments presented at the Bar of this House, I have to come to the conclusion that contracts of personal service are not automatically transferred by an order made under s. 154.

The principles of construction which apply in interpreting such a section are well established; the difficulty is to adapt well established principles to a particular case of difficulty. The golden rule is that the words of a statute must prima facie be given their ordinary meaning. We must not shrink from an interpretation which will reverse the previous law, for the purpose of a large part of our statute law is to make lawful that which would not be lawful without the statute, or, conversely, to prohibit results which would otherwise follow. Judges are not called upon to apply their opinions of sound policy so as to modify the plain meaning of statutory words, but where, in construing general words the meaning of which is not entirely plain there are adequate reasons for doubting whether the Legislature could have been intending so wide an interpretation as would disregard fundamental principles, then we may be justified in adopting a narrower construction. At the same time, if the choice is between two interpretations, the narrower of which would fail to achieve the manifest purpose of the legislation, we should avoid a construction which would reduce the legislation to futility and should rather accept the bolder construction based on the view that Parliament would legislate only for the purpose of bringing about an effective result.

Here, the wider interpretation of s. 154 which has found favour in the Courts below practically amounts to saying, in reference to current contracts of the transferor company, that an order made under s. 154 strikes out the name of the transferor company and substitutes that of the transferee company as a party to the contract. Consequently, all current contracts of service are transformed, without consulting the servant, by substituting the new employer for the old. But it is fallacious to suppose that this wide construction of s. 154 would remove all difficulty in transferring contracts for personal service. If, for example, one of the companies to be amalgamated under the procedure of that section has a long-term contract with an individual to be sole manager of its undertaking, what would happen when the transfer takes place to a new and enlarged company?

The remuneration may be quite inadequate, or the individual may be quite unsuited, for so extended a responsibility. Again, if each of half a dozen amalgamating companies has such a contract with its manager, the suggested interpretation of s. 154 appears to lead to absurdity. The truth is that many contracts are not capable of being dealt with by the method said to be involved in the language of s. 154. For example, what would become of a contract which remunerates a manager with a share of the profits of a constituent undertaking, or a contract with a medical man to attend the servants of a company at a fixed total fee? Such contracts cannot be dealt with by simply substituting a new employer for the old, for the nature of the contract necessarily depends upon the old employer continuing to be a contracting party, and any change of employer gives the contract an entirely new meaning.

It seems to me therefore than any difficulties arising in connection with such contracts as I have described above must be disposed of at the time of transfer by negotiation leading either to a new engagement or to compensation. If this is so, it is no longer possible to give an interpretation to s. 154 which would automatically transfer every kind of current contract by merely substituting the name of the new company for the name of the old.

The argument that an order made under the section transfers wage-earners from one employer to another without their consent thus loses much of its force. I do not see why there should be any great practical difficulty in the old company announcing to its work-people that the undertaking is about to be transferred to a new company, giving the necessary notice to terminate existing engagements and informing the wage-earners that the new company is prepared to re-engage them on the same terms, and that continuing service after such a date will be taken as acceptance of the new offer.

At any rate, after examining s. 154 with close attention and considering the consequences of its application in different cases, I can come to no other conclusion than that an order made under it does not automatically transfer contracts of personal service. The word “contract” does not appear in the section at all, and I do not agree with the view expressed in the Court of Appeal that a right to the service of an employee is the property of the transferor company. Such a right cannot be the subject of gift or bequest; it cannot be bought or sold; it forms no part of the assets of the employer for the purpose of administering his estate.

In short, s. 154 when it provides for “transfer” is providing in my opinion for the transfer of those rights which are not incapable of transfer and is not contemplating the transfer of rights which are in their nature incapable of being transferred. I must make it plain that my judgment is limited to contracts of personal service with which the present appeal is concerned. It may well be that current contracts for the supply and purchase of goods are subject to what I may call a statutory novation, except contracts for the supply of “your requirements” or the like which, like contracts to obey “your orders,” do not seem to me capable of automatic transfer.

The conclusion at which I have arrived may be regarded as limiting the usefulness of the section, but to that consideration there are two answers. In the first place I am not justified on that account in giving to the section a wider effect than its true interpretation should provide, and there must be great advantages in avoiding the necessity of liquidation and in effecting transfers without any further act or deed in cases contemplated by the section. In the second place, if the Legislature really desires that workmen should be transferred to a new employer without their consent being obtained, plainer words can be devised to express this intention. I cannot regard s. 154 as plainly authorizing this result and, in my view, the appeal should be allowed with costs here and below, and the question of law raised in the case stated should be answered by saying that a contract of service did not exist between the appellant and the respondents and that the magistrates should dismiss the summons with such order as to costs as they think fit.